Ultimate Transformation

In the Ultimate Transformation project students researched a key figure from the Renaissance and a key modern individual. Students came up with an adjective which connected all three individuals together, including themselves. Final Products: Students created an art piece depicting significant images to represent the three individuals, along with a central image and the connecting […]
Saving Earth’s Endangered Elements

In the Saving Earth’s Endangered Elements project seventh grade science students researched the natural resources found within their cell phones and other electronic devices and created infographics to display their work. They utilized real-world data to understand the formation and distribution of these natural resources around the globe. By investigating human use and human impact […]
The Face of America

In “The Face of America” students examined the movement of people into the United States through a political, cultural, and personal lens. They analyzed the current discourse about immigration in the US, grappled with immigration myths, looked at motivations for movement across borders, traced border policy throughout history, and collected stories of immigration in our […]