UnBoxedBoxedA Journal of Adult Learning in Schools
HTH Unboxed

¡Tierra y Libertad!

The ¡Tierra y Libertad! project focused on the Mexican Revolution.  Students worked in groups ranging from two to five people and were given a menu of project products to choose from. Examples included creating a magazine or newspaper, making a movie with Corrido, building a 3-D map, designing a scrapbook or creating an illustrated timeline. […]

Project Save The Earth: Public Service Announcements (Spanish)

Project Save The Earth is a collaboration between art, math, English, physics, and Spanish, focused around the challenge of saving the planet from environmental catastrophe. The project culminated in a shared exhibition, but each class created its own final products (you can see the project sheet here). This page focuses on Spanish, where students focused […]

El Noticiero Escolar

In the El Noticiero Escolar project students formed an editorial committee for their own newsroom, and researched and reported on three themes: one investigative report (expository writing), one opinion piece on a topic of their choice (persuasive writing), and one book review for their final publication. Throughout project students conducted Close Reading and Analysis of […]