Bottle Rocket Launcher
In the Bottle Rocket Launcher project students are tasked with designing and building rocket launchers and bottle rockets that can fly up to 100 feet in the air. Watch the video to the left of this text for more details about the scope and sequence of the project. Academic Skills and Content: This project is […]
City Shark Tank
In the City Shark Tank Project students researched the meaning and effects of gentrification in order to create a business model that would thrive in the areas of San Francisco affected by gentrification. Academic Skills: Research Skills ( ability to search for, locate, extract, organise, evaluate and use or present information that is relevant to […]
Viva La Revolución
The Viva La Revolución project builds off of the work of Erin Brandvold of Envision Impact Academy and the Envision Schools Project Exchange. In the project, student exploration of the effectiveness of revolutions launches with an epic “Nation X” simulation. Following the project launch, students engage in a brief case study of the French Revolution […]